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Palm oil industry transformation - TFT’s perspective one year on
Palm oil industry transformation - TFT’s perspective one year on
News May 7, 2014

TFT publishes new strategic paper on a changing industry

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

Following a year in which many leading brands announced No Deforestation commitments, TFT has published its second paper on palm oil. The paper, which reviews the change that has taken place over the past 12 months, also explores key issues such as High Carbon Stock and its application in Indonesia and Liberia, and how the development of ‘hubs’ for traceable, responsible oil could seriously change the way palm oil is sourced. “Transformation is happening,” says TFT director Bastien Sachet, “brands are realising they must take ownership for what happens in their name, and that traceable, No Deforestation and No Exploitation palm oil is possible. This is a critical first step. The action is in the application of these commitments, and we hope this paper provides a useful resource.”

TFT palm oil paper number two

TFT palm oil paper number one

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Palm oil

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