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A webinar about driving critical landscape regeneration in Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia
A webinar about driving critical landscape regeneration in Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia
News 11 mai 2020

On May 6, we organised the first in a series of webinars about how supply chain resilience can be achieved post-COVID.

This webinar addressed how companies can drive environmental and social regeneration and accelerate a 'green recovery' through a landscape approach. Agri-food systems that transition towards regeneration will have the potential to build more resilient societies, rapidly deliver jobs and improve the lives of citizens worldwide.

Speakers from Mars, Avril, Tropical Forest Alliance and Earthworm Foundation touched on how environmental and social regeneration can be driven through this landscape approach. They also shared examples of the impact this has had on a key ecosystem in Indonesia, as well as the people and supply chains linked to this ecosystem.

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