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Addressing Social-Environmental Conflict in Sayaxché, Guatemala
Addressing Social-Environmental Conflict in Sayaxché, Guatemala
News Nov 1, 2017

TFT is working together with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) to explore the potential for a participatory problem-solving approach to key challenges in the palm sector in the municipality of Sayaxché, Guatemala.

In May 2017, we published our final analysis and recommendations around social-environmental conflict surrounding REPSA palm operations in Sayaxché. This builds upon on our initial 2016 Scoping Report. Both documents are now available from this page.

CBI-TFT Scoping Report Dec 2016

Addendum to the CBI TFT Scoping Report May 2017

Our final analysis document is informed by subsequent visits to Guatemala over recent months to deepen and expand consultation efforts with Sayaxché communities, civil society, and private sector actors. Several stakeholders requested confidentiality in order to speak with frankness about the challenges and opportunities at hand.

We welcome your feedback and look forward to talking in more depth should there be interest in furthering engagement and joint problem-solving in the region.

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