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High Carbon Stock Forest Study Report Published
High Carbon Stock Forest Study Report Published
News 28 jun. 2012

Groundbreaking study provides robust methodology for identifying high carbon stock forests for conservation

A report detailing the methodology and findings from our High Carbon Stock (HSC) forest fieldwork has been published.

The report offers the first practical, scientifically robust and cost effective methodology for defining and identifying areas of HCS for conservation. The study categorised areas into different strata based on measurements of carbon in the above ground biomass. The study found that six strata could be identified, correlating with different average carbon stocks.

These findings are being released in conjunction with an Indonesian Government workshop (on 5th June, 2012) designed to explore how to fulfil the Indonesian President’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 26% by 2020.

GAR High Carbon Stock Forest Study Report

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Areas de trabajo:
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